This poem is for those who aren't colour blind,
those who know roses are red and violet are blue.
This poem is for those who think have lost their minds, broken promises relationship meaningless I love Us.
This poem is for those who wish to say am sorry,
sorry I couldn't give something to you that you.deserve to be given.
This poem is for those who believe nothing lasts,
for their future and passive shutters and exchanges on lusts.
This poem is for those who understand the meaning of TRUE LOVE .
True love in a society is centered on artificial compassion, virtual hearts and smiles.
True love in a society doesn't understand love isn't only in the heart but the brain, mouth and breath in lungs.
Love....., true love.....,real love...,an unconditional affection, no divorces, no complications only perfections, glowing complexion, husbands protecting children, natural connections.
That my friend is true love.
Be it arranged or at first sight,
Be it gay or lesbian,
Be it black or white,
Be it in marriage family, friendships or fights,
Be it with coagations, Hessians, African Americans or Asians.
Love is co- existence,
Love is patient.
That my friend is TRUE LOVE.
Nobody knows what love is,
only the lucky ones knows what it means.
Because the problem is you don't know love, love knows you you see.
Love is not simply an emotional course but you are trapped in the barrier of your human body.
Love sees inside ou and not outside in.
You don't know love becoz you can't see it.
Love is hidden,
love sees ur stomach, ur liver, ur blood, ur intestines,
love is within,
love is your heartbeat that beats until you die.
because when your heart stops beating, ur love comits suicide.
Some pple find love through first kisses, death, sympathy, empathy.
some find love through sex,marriage family, intimacy,
some find love through art, music,
some find love through spirituality,
some find love through religion, budheism, Hinduism, Christianity.
I ..I find love in poetry.
Those poetic lines rhyme with the love I have incased within my bony body.
As the pen hits the paper and the fingers hit the keys.
love is the ring won by my wife, Poetry.
And with all those meaningless words have lost its values,
I want you to understand that,
I truly LOVE YOU.
not like a fat kid loves chocolate cake,
but the real man I desire to be in the world that its too many of fake.
I......LOVE .... YOU ....


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