Dear future wife,
I was so glad to here that you are somewhere waiting for me,
That's why I write this to show u how much I've got in me,
Am told u've kept the Faith and love deep in you,
And I beg u please hold on until we say I DO,
After several arkward moments of I wish I knew
Am at the final stages of recovery to being my new,
And I hope with u I will make it through.

Am gonna say sorry now,
Sorry I defiled what was meant to yours,
She came just like you and I saw you in her eyes,
She trapped me with the smile and the eyes full of lies,
And I unknowingly gave her my body to be hers
But am gonna say sorry now,
In whisper please don't make it loud,
I've got some love left to let it out.

Dear future wife
Not all wives found are good things,
While some bite with tails like bee stings,
Walking heads high like  in their heels,
And I pray that u be the Abigail in 1 samwel 25:3,
Who stands for her man down on her knee,
And she wins her masters heart with a humble plea,
If you can't be Abigail then be Lidia,
Woman of hospitaliy, a worshiper and dealer of cloths inThyatira,
A woman who learns in quietness and submission,
I am a rose of Sharon, A lilly of valleys
My wife is mine alone, I browse among the lillies.
Like a hyacinth let your territories grow
A beautiful garden with our names written both
Be resistant to things that Wil part us with God
For He be the happy union  we long,
Humility and smiling will make you known to all,
Pride and anger takes you no where at all,
Queen Vashti is the best living example,
Be clean and maintain the fragrance,
Else they will lue your man to romance,
Don't be in search for wealth,
For Proverbs 11:16 says ,
Ruthless men gain only wealth,
But kindhearted woman gains respect.

(To be continued)
©Saint Matte The Poete


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