They will cry,
They will cry a lot,
They will cry a lot when they remember my salvation poems,
They will say saint wrote it yes but God, it was so long for my time,
I was so deep in crime, his poems seemed deep like crying, but I didn't have the time.

There will be fire,
There will be fire like the days of Lot,
There will be no turning back or turning into salt,
We call it pleasure but its SIN!!!!, pride,jealous, coveting, sex before marriage will mark your end results,
I know...
I know you will stand with riffles a blaze,
Pointing at my past and all my mess,
But I...
I received an amazing grace,
I met the one who told me all my mess,
And wiped them all to make me sinless,
My son in you I will bless, He said to me,
And I was on my knee,
Tears rolling down with a plea,
My God take me and walk in me.
Guess what,
He said Yes,
Yes I forgive you,
I will make you new and give you breakthrough,
You can't be holy like me but just try,
I have heard your plea and all your cry,
I will send you to a few and your work wil be to write,
Through your writings I want you to spread what's right
So don't put any copyrigh for them to copy and paste to the other side.
Teach them how to stay by my side,
Teach them how to live minus sin,
Teach them that I am who I am,
Tell them that their sins can be forgiven
Tell them I will overlook all their odds and make them Even,
Tell them I forget their sins once forgiven.
Tell thm Am Christ the author of salvation.
I don't want them to cry at last.


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