This is The Hidden Truth Politicians Don’t Want You to Know (and this is making you poor)

I used to imagine that one day our country will be better, the economy will be well, that one day we shall have a country where everybody will have enough for himself, there will be no poor people in the the society.
Well, I was wrong, very much far from the truth.
I met this powerful Entrepreneur and Mentor, 12 years in Business, Titus Mireri my online Business Mentor made me see the light in this.

As we all know am also a very generous person who can`t sit with eye opening ideas, That`s why I write to educate you on what My mentor taught me.


Here we go...

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" If you know me before yesterday you’ll know that I don’t talk or argue politics in public.
I did before (15 years ago) but when I discovered it was a mere waste of time to argue politics, I started facing my business (and my business ALONE).
But that doesn’t mean that I don’t know what is going on in the political world.
I follow their campaigns (sometimes) and listen to their deceptions, then cry for the gullible Kenyans.
 One of the hidden truth you would never hear from a politician is that; economy is never (and would never be) good.
I know you are now confused son!! (referring to me)
“Titus, are you saying that the economy has always been bad?”

You heard me well!.
Economy was never good and would never be good.
Before you’re confused, listen to me.
Though you were told that in the 70’s things were better and in the 80’s cars were sold for a penny, economy was not good.

Though you were made to believe that America is filled with money and that money walks on the streets of the United Kingdom, their economy is bad, always and forever.
Now that I have scattered so many people’s mind, let me explain.
You see, everything about life is personal.
It doesn’t matter what is going on in your country, what really matter is what is happening in your life, right?

Does it really matter that America is rich and powerful if you’re poor as a citizen of the America?
Yet, so many people have always been poor (and would always be poor), even as Americans. In fact, more than 40 million Americans are statistically known to be poor (According to wikipedia)
To those people, does it really matter what American president says about the US’ “good economy”?
Now back to Kenya. You will often hear someone telling you that cars were being sold for Ksh.10,000 in the 70’s.
Now ask such person how many people were owning cars then? Very few.
Though a bag of rice could be Ksh.2 (or whatever they say it is) in 80’2, yet, millions of Kenyans, even then, were living in abject poverty.
According to the Kenyan’s National Bureau of Statistics, in the year 1985, about 10 million Kenyans were in poverty.

My argument is that, no matter how “good” you claim the economy was, those 10 millions are having bad (very bad) economy.
Am I right?
Again I tell you the truth. Life is personal. You have to stop thinking as if you’re the Kenya. You’re not!
Kenya is your country, good. But you see, that doesn’t mean that whatever happens to Kenya must happen to you.

I wonder why so many people are panicking because there’s economy meltdown or recession.
Recession is happening in your country?
Okay. Ok. I understand!
But you see, recession has ALWAYS been happening and it would always be, until the end of this world.
But what exactly is my message here?
Stop focusing on the dark side of the world. See the light!

As I have earlier proved, that economy has always being bad, people have always been poor, I’m glad to let you know that, also, people have always been rich, no matter what economy of their country is.
But why is everybody concentrating on the ugly side of the world?
Blame the newsmen for it.
The journalists and other people who eat from news know that human nature loves bad news and so they fill the pages of their newspapers with horrors and woes.
Have you ever wondered why 90% of the news you hear or see in media houses are bad?
It’s because bad news sells, very well.
BUT. BUT. But, bad news cages the unsuspecting multitudes. That’s why most people today are outright down, hopeless and pessimistic.
Every morning when they are on their radio to listen to news, all they hear is “Doom. Doom. Reccession. Woe”.

In the evening when they return from work and on their TV set, all they see is destructions, lose, business failures, economic melt-down.
So, they are (unconsciously) programmed to be negative and less energetic (you only get super-power energy to face life if you’re positive. Don’t you know?).

You see, the summary of my sermon is that;
  • Though political leaders are promising heaven on Earth, they would do nothing to affect you, personally.
  • Though economy is bad, that’s not new. It was never good and would never be good for millions of people.
  • Economy is NOT bad, if you think it’s not bad.

After all, it has always been bad for some people and good for some people.
After all, in the richest countries of the world there are (millions of) poor people. After all, in the poorest countries of the world there are millionaires.
Murphy`s law states; If things are to go wrong, they will go wrong if given a chance.
  • Economy was never bad and it was never good. It’s all about you.

It’s about you. What you think. What you believe. What you are pursuing with your life.
You can stop believing lies, if you want to.
Though it’s not easy, you can learn entrepreneurship, duggedly start your own business and make it successful, if you want to.
  • Life is what you take of it, opportunity is what you from it and Change is possible. 

Image result for change of attitudeImage result for change of attitude
I love you and wish you a good fight in the dugged road of business!!!!!!!!!

That is what my Business Mentor Mr. Titus Mireri tought me. 

To connect with online Business Mentorship click here or find me on facebook matte bin linnus and follow me on twitter @mattebinlinnus


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